PhD Thesis

The title of my PhD Thesis is "Testing the effectiveness of risk equalization models in health insurance". Below, you can find the respective files and the introductory video of my PhD defense.

In English :: In Dutch

The introductory speech of my PhD defense lasted 15 minutes. This video contains the first 6 minutes, in which I describe the primary goal of risk equalization: making health insurance premiums affordable for high-risk insured people.

This second video contains the other 9 minutes of the introductory speech. Here, I explain what my research was all about, why this research was relevant and what are the research results.

You can find the text of my PhD dissertation below, as well as the propositions, a one-page summary and an extensive summary version.



Tekst van uitnodiging / Text of invitation

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Stellingen / Propositions

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Korte samenvatting (1 pagina) / Short summary (1 page)

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Uitgebreide samenvatting / Extended summary

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Tekst achterflap / Text backcover

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Kaft van proefschrift / Cover of PhD dissertation

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Proefschrift / PhD dissertation

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